XI Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica

What triggers radio galaxies?

Universidade de Oxford



We are investigating which astrophysical processes may lead to the triggering of powerful jetted active galaxies such as classical double radio galaxies. Important clues come from studying those objects which have most recently been triggered. The newly discovered ‘Youth-Redshift Degeneracy’ for classical double radio galaxies means that the highest redshift objects in a flux-limited survey will beobserved to be significantly younger (more recently triggered) than the more nearby objects. We are pursuing this investigation with a new sample of specially filtered high-redshift radio galaxies. We will present the results of a near-IR imaging campaign using the UFTI on the UKIRT, and contrast the nature of their host galaxies with those of demonstrably older radio galaxies.

Grupo de Astronomia da Universidade da Madeira - 2001