A VLBI antenna at the island of Madeira

Pedro Augusto

Universidade da Madeira, Caminho da Penteada, 9000-390 Funchal, Portugal
Centro de Astronomia e Astrofísica da Universidade de Lisboa, Tapada da Ajuda – Edifício Leste, 2º piso, 1349-018 Lisboa, Portugal

It was almost exactly 12 years ago that we first presented to this community our project of placing a VLBI antenna at Madeira, ideally linked to the EVN. The idea was shown at the 4th EVN Symposium. Now we are on the 10th. Then there were 10 antennas on the EVN, now we have 18. A lot of things have changed during these 12 yrs, the EVN now growing to become e-EVN with all antennas linked via fibre cable in order to do real time data acquisition and processing. On our side, we have completed all tasks required to inspect in detail the best sites in Madeira: weather, RFI, horizon profiling, etc. Finally! And rather than having a stalled or stoped project we have now become more ambitious. Our current plans will be presented at the meeting as well as the characteristics of the best Madeiran radio astronomical site


Com. Oral
Augusto P., The 10th European VLBI Network Symposium and EVN Users Meeting: VLBI and the new generation of radio arrays’, Manchester Conference Centre, Days Inn Hotel, Manchester (United Kingdom), 21-24/9/10
pdf (4.71MB)

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